Tuesday 3 December 2013

CSL Young Fashion Photographer

I entered the Clothes Show Live Young Fashion Photographer of the Year competition (what a long title!) this year and have made it through to the 10 finalists! wahey.
The brief was 'Movement of a Garment' and here's the photo I sent in...

Cheesy Photoshopping!

Couldn't sleep last night and felt particularly useless. Haven't been the most motivated person for the last month or so which has resulted in the need to take photos at stupid hours. It being a stupid hour I didn't feel leaving the house on my own with a camera was the best idea in leeds, so... this happened.
Its a very cheesy edit but it kept me occupied for an hour or two! 

FIlm Shots From the Charity Shop

Seem to be a bit behind at posting on here, but here's some of the photos I took of Katharine in Sunderland! Need to go back with my DSLR some time and do a more organised shoot. Just love all the clutter and organised mess in these rooms.